
Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Thursday, 21 March 2013

Thursday, 14 March 2013

Aboriginal bark paintings

Technology with St James

The Grade Four class from St James came over for the cook up. They brought over their iPads to share with us.

Aboriginal cook up

Most of us tried the damper and wallaby stew. Yum!

This week's brain teaser

How would you get yourself, a fox, a chicken and a bag of grain across a river. Your boat is only large enough to carry you and one of the others at any one crossing. Yet, if leave you leave he fox alone with the chicken, he will devour it. And shouldn't leave the chicken alone with the grain as the grain will be eaten. How can they all be taken safely across without any unwanted lunch stops during the process?

Share your answers

Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Literacy Circuit

We are making up silly sentences and then finding the nouns, verbs and adjectives

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

What does 1 million look like?

In Maths we are exploring large numbers. We have never seen a million of anything so we have set ourselves the challenge of collecting 1 million bread tags and 1 million bottle tops. Here is day one.